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How far is Kerrylee from MTU North Campus?

Less than 1 Kilometre. It is a 5 minute walk to the MTU North Campus

What is the Student Year for Kerrylee Student Rentals?

The student year lease runs from 1st September to 31st May.

If the Student Accommodation is full what is the best way to put my name on a waiting list?

Fill in the application form on the home page. We will put you on our list if a room becomes available.

What are the steps to securing my place?

  1. Complete the online application form on the Home Page.
  2. An invoice will be sent to you online for a €500 Security/Booking deposit
  3. You pay this invoice online
  4. You will receive a lease online for digital signing.
  5. When this lease is signed an invoice will be sent to you for the 1st Term rent and the annual utilities of €425.
  6. You pay this invoice online.
  7. You will then be allocated a room.

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