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The Application Process

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Notes to aid completion of the Kerry Lee Rentals Application Form 2023/2024


Permanent Address

Your home address where you normally reside.

E-mail Address

This must be a working email address that is checked regularly. Please ensure that on the form that the email address is legible. Please print each letter of the email address separately.

Course/Student Identification Number

This number is issued by the M.T.U college after enrolment. This is printed on the T card and is known as the T number. If unknown please put 0.

Course being studied

If it is the case that a prospective first year student has applied for multiple courses please state these on the application form. Once known which course will be taking up please notify us via email.

Property Specific Requirements - Room Preferences

Choose between our 2 room type options 1. Deluxe room or 2. Single Room. Rooms will be allocated on the basis of completed signed leases.

Next of Kin - In Case of Emergency

it is extremely important to submit the name and details of the person to contact in the event of an emergency.

Bank Details

Refund of deposits will be by bank transfer. Please ensure that you BIC and IBAN bank details are accurate as Kerrylee Stusent Rentals will not accept liability for any inaccuracies submitted.

What happens after I apply?

You should receive an email back within 24 hours confirming receipt of your application. You will be sent an online invoice for €500 for the Security/Booking Deposit. After the Security/Booking Deposit is received you will be sent a lease online for signing. We will allocate rooms when we receive this signed lease and 1st Term rental payment.

What should you do if your application does not transfer to us?

Email us at and forward us the answers to the application form

Bank Payments

The €500 Security Deposit must be paid online. An Invoice will be sent to you after you have completed the online Application Form on the Home Page.

Afterwards, rent payments can be made by EFT transfer or debit or credit card by paying the Semester Rent Invoice which will be forwarded to you by email.

At the end of the academic year, your deposit will be refunded to you by bank transfer. Therefore, please ensure that the BIC and IBAN numbers of your bank account that you enter in the online form are accurate.


  • When making a rent payment by EFT transfer , please  put your name and house number on the payment.
  • Refund of deposits will be by bank transfer. Please ensure that you BIC and IBAN bank details are accurate as the Kerrylee Student Rentals  will not accept liability for any inaccuracies submitted.

Please note the security deposit will not be accepted if all requested documentation is not submitted or is incomplete.

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